Busy busy busy

Somehow most of September has slipped by without me really noticing it. Can you believe it’s October tomorrow?! I can’t. Though the weather today is certainly trying to convince me that yes, it really is autumn now. Wet and grey and windy. Oh yes, it’s saying, the summer is over, get out your blankets again, it’s beginning to get cold.

I do love autumn. Not so much when I’m out and about in the rain, but I love the autumn colours, and the changes in the garden, and the crispness of the air. I just can’t believe it’s already here! Time just seems to be doing that weird compressing thing that always happens when there’s a lot going on.

And oh yes, there has been a lot going on. Some of it crochet related, some of it not.

In crochet news, and following on from my last blog post, I finally finished the second version of the 6″ squares for my latest design. Hurrah! Ugh it felt like it took forever. I know it didn’t really, but re-doing twenty squares was definitely more work than I really wanted to do! However, all the squares for the blanket are at last done and dusted, ends sewn in and everything, and joining them together took no time at all. I’m on to the border now, which isn’t looking like it’ll take me very long. It’s possible that it’ll all be done by this time tomorrow, which is a lovely feeling.


I’ve also started the new CAL from Sandra of Cherry Heart. Doesn’t it look so gorgeous? I absolutely wasn’t looking for another project to have on my hook right now, but ooohhh it’s too pretty.

I’m using Scheepjes Stonewashed, but not either of the available colour packs – I had a selection of colours hiding in my stash, so I just bought a few more balls to make up the right quantity.Β  The week one pattern is a lovely simple mesh-type pattern, and I whipped up all eight squares in just a couple of days πŸ™‚

I’m using green agate, amazonite, lilac quartz, new jade, deep amethyst, canada jade and moon stone

I’m also putting the finishing touches to the Kaleidoscope blanket pattern. The blanket has now been thoroughly tested, and the two lovely ladies who have worked up the blanket in alternate colourways are both finished with their blankets. Soon I will have three glorious blankets ready to photograph! I’m honestly so excited to share this one with you all. I’m so proud of it. Just to remind you, this is the one I’m going to be running as a CAL next year, beginning in January. Colour packs should be on sale in plenty of time for Christmas πŸ˜›

And on top of all that, I’m also planning my next blanket design and planning a project to make with my now-annual treat-myself yarn advent calendar (have a look on etsy – there are huge numbers of people making these now, and ooooh shiny squishy yarn parcels are such a joy to open every day in December). Yes, I know, thinking about December/Christmas already…but it’s October tomorrow! Time is flying.

So yes, there’s a lot going on. I need another pair of hands, or possibly another two pairs of hands. Can we please have more usable hours in the day?

In non-crochet business, I’ve been doing a lot of to-ing and fro-ing from the vet with our darling Slinky Malinki, who this year (aged barely nine 😦 ) has developed kidney disease. She’s been quite a poorly kitty, and these last few weeks she’s also had a nasty bladder infection. I’ve been working ‘pill-taking’ into the evening routines, and she’s getting better at taking them, but there’s been lots of vet visits, lots of tests, and lots of medications. The things we do for our pets :S


I am, perhaps vainly, hoping that things will begin to slow down again. I’m aware this is probably a pipe dream! And I certainly don’t dislike having lots of crochet/design ideas. I just have to keep telling myself ‘one thing at a time’ whenever I stumble over another idea I’d like to try.Β  At some point the message will sink in, I’m sure. Meanwhile, I am surrounded by projects in bags, my notebook is filling up with ideas, and I’m just trying to sit back and enjoy the inspiration πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “Busy busy busy

  1. The Nature’s Walk CAL is on my radar – my sister just gifted me Β£25 for Wool Warehouse and I think that’s where it’s going – and I’m doing Miarly as well, in shades of daffodil. Both are being made for the heck of it, and it’s really nice to kick back and relax for once.


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